We will be showing at the Affordable Art Fair, Singapore and, to thank all our Facebook friends for the support, we are pleased to offer a limited number of tickets to the VIP Preview Night. Just email us at enquiry@barnadashuang.com together with your name and mailing address to register!
In the meanwhile, we are pleased to unveil another painting that will debut on the VIP Preview Night.
Barnadas Huang joins Affordable Art Fair Singapore!
Monica Dixon: light, shadow and space
SCAPES: Landscape No. 17, Monica Dixon, 100 x 150 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Monica Dixon was born in New Jersey in 1971 and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Rutgers University in 1997. The pervasive element in her paintings is her use, understanding and manipulation of light, shadow and space. Her landscapes in this exhibition are drawn from typical American-style farms on vast and flat landscapes, reflecting a strong sense of solitude and strength.
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